Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ksasan appeared silently with a woman's rain boot. Uh-oh! I had heard Latang working in the bamboo forest, so I took the shoe to ask if it was hers or her sister's. No, it wasn't theirs, it wasn't their size. I began to feel like the Prince in Cinderella. I left the shoe in a conspicuous spot by the road and brought Ksasan home. She displayed absolutely no contrition. I deny having anything to do with this whole matter. 這件事與我無關。Ksasan無影無蹤,含了一隻女士膠鞋回來。糟了。早一點聽到Latang整理竹林,我拎著鞋問她。不是她的也不是她姐姐的,不合她們的腳。我彷若在演灰姑娘。鞋子放到路邊顯眼的地方,叫小妹仔回家。她一點改邪歸正的樣子也無。

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Russians are protesting against corruption. A critic of Putin has been murdered. 
I am waiting for the President of the United States to say something. Doesn’t he love to spew nasty things about people?

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Among the many senses he lacks, Trump lacks a sense of style.