Tuesday, May 31, 2016

今天崇光社大舉行了「生活論語一路通」新課發表 ,非常感謝來捧場的幾位朋友。一位阿姨以為今天星期三,要上串珠課,發現來錯日期,留下來吹吹冷氣也不錯。一位被導航騙到直潭(十公里外的山區),回來不好意思進來。這樣要算四個人或五個人?但是我自己對今天的課還算滿意。

Friday, May 27, 2016


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fireflies. A year or two ago, somewhere I came across the name ‘lightning bugs.’ I had forgotten that this is what we called them when I was a boy in Illinois. I hadn’t heard the name for so long that I had totally forgotten it, but now, it seems a better name for them.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Saturday, May 21, 2016

We have another inexplicable tragedy: an Egyptian passenger flight has gone down with all hands. It is inexplicable at least until they find the black box and maybe not even then.
There are some basic recordings from the cockpit, but they still have to find the black box in the deep, dark sea. Which raises the question: in this day and age, when the photos I take on my phone are automatically transferred to Flickr, why can’t they have all the necessary recordings automatically transmitted back to the airline as the plane flies? With today’s technology, this shouldn’t be too difficult, and it would speed investigations up considerably.
Aha! I smell a conspiracy! The news agencies conspire with the airlines so they can build the suspense as everybody waits for the black box to be found! That is certainly it!

Friday, May 20, 2016


Thursday, May 19, 2016

There is a big fuss about who can go into which bathroom. Transgender toilets is obviously not an issue that most directly concerns my generation, so I think we should leave it to the young people to solve. It’s their problem, let them deal with it as they will. There will be some rough spots, but eventually they will come up with a solution.
Anybody who has flown knows that on airplanes, both sexes use the same toilet, and I’ve never heard of any trouble on aircraft, just so long as nobody tries to smoke in there.
For that matter, who decreed that bathrooms have to be segregated by sex? I don’t prance about public toilets naked, so as long as I have a clean, private place to relieve myself, I don’t really care who else uses this public place. When you come right down to it, if the next stall is occupied by a man, a woman, something else, a porcupine, whatever, it doesn’t really concern me, just so I can do my business. This really shouldn’t be too difficult to solve. 
If anything, I’d worry that with unisex toilets, all the long lines into the women’s room would take over the men’s room. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Friday, May 13, 2016

劇中因為神木裂開,所以酋長渴望和平,為了和平甚至可以犧牲自己的愛女。這方面也讓我打問號:一再強調和平共處,我很好奇這觀念的由來,因為Mayasvi 戰祭是鄒人極為重要的祭典;戰神降臨,由神木下凡,故祭典前,戰士將神樹的樹枝砍掉,只留三枝,這樣才能維護部落生命,所以意義重大。劇中的酋長掛心神木的破損,味道不大一樣;而在鄒部落中,連國小女生都津津樂道祖先yofngu no hangʉ出草的事,和平的概念不大一樣吧。
整齣戲,我最喜歡燈光效果,但也不了解,既然劇目是Hohcʉbʉ,為甚麼不把Hohcʉbʉ很特殊的山形表現出來?依我的了解,Hohcʉbʉ在鄒人心中的地位很重要,而他們很喜歡講這座山的故事(例如yone Hohcʉbʉ ci piepiya 陰魂之事);或許我太遲鈍,但我從劇中沒有得到這方面的訊息。這麼好的題材,放著不用,錯失表現鄒文化的良機。

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Monday, May 09, 2016

My old buddy Roger speculated that Kiss may have been a communist sleeper. But what's not to like? This great anti-communist warrior gave the communists the victory our troops had won in Viet Nam, opened the way for communists to take over Cambodia, and dumped Free China for the chance to let Chairman Mao slobber over his lapels. Okay, so he was responsible for a couple million deaths, but he said, Power is the greatest aphrodisiac, so he needed to call his power into play to keep the babes coming in. Certainly a little collateral damage can't compare with getting your picture in the papers with a pretty lady.
And there’s the further point that war criminals are Germans or Japanese or from Africa, not American politicians. 

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Today, we take our living from the sea;
Tomorrow, the sea will demand justice from us.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

SIS has reduced the Iraqi city of Ramadi to rubble. All ISIS can do is destroy, so that's not particularly surprising. What is intriguing is this photo of two Iraqi policemen riding a motorcycle through the debris after ISIS had been defeated. Look carefully at the motorcycle. On the front you see a line of Chinese that reads 彰化縣警察局巡邏機車 Patrol Vehicle [property of] Changhua County Police Department.

Changhua is a county in central Taiwan. Apparently the motorcycle was retired from the Police force and sold to the highest bidder, who then exported it to Iraq by Somewhere along the line, somebody forgot to erase the Chinese; if anybody in Ramadi can read Chinese, they probably have other things on their mind and don’t worry about it. Although I am half expecting some Iraqi to pop up with a tattoo that proclaims him a patrol vehicle of the Changhua police department.
This raises another question: why are Iraqi police riding second hand motorcycles? With the trainloads of money the US has sent to Iraq, you’d expect them to be tooling around in gold plated Lamborghinis, at least. 
LINK (The Changhua police say the motorcycle doesn't handle well. )

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Wow, you learn something every day. $147 was quite a good sum in those days, especially for a people not entirely entrenched in a monetary economy. I would like to quote a comment by Luke Callihan: “Ireland and the Choctaw Nation have had a long lasting relationship. Choctaw leaders participated in the first annual Famine walk at Doolough in Mayo. Irish commemorative leaders have taken part in the 500 mile trek from Oklahoma to Mississippi. Ireland President Mary Robinson and Irish activist Don Mullan were both named honorary chiefs by the Choctaw. Even more important, both groups became determined to help famine sufferers, mostly in Africa and the Third World, and have continued to do so since the early 90's. The Choctaw Nations compassion has never been forgotten. There is a plaque on Dublin's Mansion House that Honors their contribution that reads, "Their humanity calls us to remember the millions of human beings throughout our world today who die of hunger and hunger-related illness in the world of plenty." This monument isn't an "Oh yeah, Thanks.", it is another symbol of a long lasting friendship between two nations."

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

長約兩公尺的過山刀出來覓食。後來他吃掉了青蛙。A big eyed rat snake, ptyas dhumnades, out looking for a snack. The snake is about two meters long. It ate a frog moments after the second video. 蛇不會攻擊人。看到蛇,靜靜觀賞,不要怕。有蛇在,表示生態健康,可喜可賀。Snakes do not attack people. If you see a snake, that means the environment is healthy. Just admire it.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

找到兩張非常珍貴的照片。第一張是在臺灣博物館看到的,陳耿彬(1921 ~ 1967)拍的。
第二張在網路上找到的(LINK),林權助(1922 ~ 1977)民國四十三年在南投廬山拍的。
I stumbled across two marvelous photographs, taken in 1954 in the mountains in central Taiwan, of hunters from the Sediq tribe. There is a wealth of detail in the photos, from the facial tattoos to the woven clothing. The first was taken by Chen Kengpin (1921 ~ 1967), the second by Lin Chuanchu (1922 ~ 1977), photographers from Taichung. I haven’t found records, but I suspect they were friends, and took these photos together.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

昨晚回家時,下垂小樹枝擋路,枝上棲一隻小小的領角鴞,非常可愛!伸手可及,一直看著我們,一點也不怕生,還很有耐心等我們拍照。阿彌陀佛,小朋友,常回來看我們!Coming home last night, I was blocked by a thin branch hanging oddly across the path. I was quite surprised to find myself looking at an adorable little scops owl, perched on the branch, easily within reach. It patiently posed for photo after photo. Amitabha, little friend, come back to see us again!