中場休息看節目單,很訝異,第一首曲子名為「靈橋」!怎麼可能?這是hongu utux na Tayal泛泰雅的靈橋?我一點也聽不出達彥的壯烈、喜笑、直樸、大方!我假想,如果我們部落的耆老聽了,會感到認同嗎?一笑:我想,如果給我乾爸達利聽了,跟他說是靈橋,他一定會揮拳打人。
On Sunday night, we went to a “A Dialogue
between Ancestral Spirits: Taiwanese Aboriginal Folk Tunes vs. African Drumming.”
I originally dismissed the vs. as a typical Taiwan misuse of the word, which
some suppose to mean ‘and’, but soon learned that they really did mean versus.
I was surprised to see the stage full of
chairs. Soon the Taipei Chinese Orchestra filled the stage, and brought along
six cellos, four basses, a harp, and other Western instruments.
They commenced to play a very avant garde
piece to break down your preconceptions of Chinese music. You thought Chinese
music was supposed to have a melody, a rhythm, some sort of structure? Wrong!
They proved that you can play classical Chinese musical instruments without any
regard to tune, theme, or harmony. They produced all sorts of unusual sounds
for a very long time and finally stopped. The audience, totally mystified,
politely clapped.
A group of young Bunung in traditional
dress strode onto the stage, took their positions, and the lead singer opened
his mouth. Out poured the purity and power of Taiwan’s mountains; many eyes in
the audience were full of tears. After the interminable nagging of the
orchestral piece, the Bunung brought freshness and relief. They sang their
famed eight part harmony, simple in structure but endlessly moving.
The African drums came into play, in an
improvised dialogue with Inka Mbing (Tayal), Sangpuy Katatepan Mavaliw (Pinuyumayan),
Sauniaw Tjuveljevelj (Paiwan), and Sawlang (Amis). The drums won.
During the intermission, I looked at the
program and was astonished to read that the orchestral piece was an
interpretation of Tayal spirit. I heard nothing in it that even remotely
reminded me of gaga na Tayal/Tayal spirit. I imagined what would be the
reaction of tribal elders to this piece: they would probably find nothing to
resonate with. I smiled to think what the reaction of my tribal father, Dali,
would be: he’d probably punch someone.
The Chinese Orchestra took the stage again,
leaving a thin edge for the aborigines to sing on. This was a brave attempt to
join Chinese music with Aboriginal singing, but failed on two parts. First,
aboriginal singing stands alone, and has no need for orchestral accompaniment. Second,
there were two many Chinese musicians, so you could barely hear the aborigines.
Inka and Sangpuy have voices that are
global treasures, but you could barely hear them over the accompaniment.
Friends sitting in the first row and in the balcony all had the same complaint,
so it wasn’t our seats. There were just too many people in the orchestra. If
they had pared it down to seven or eight musicians it would have been better.
Sauniaw, a delicate little Paiwan,
performed on a huge nose flute,fortunately with no accompaniment. I have
never heard the nose flute played with such mastery. A performance to relish!
All told, the concert was certainly not
what I expected. But looking back, I think it did portray a fact of life in Taiwan. The
stage was jam packed with Chinese culture which drowned out the thin line of
aborigines singing their hearts out.