Thursday, August 29, 2013

For some reason, for the last couple of days the San Marino High football fight song has been playing in my ears. I haven’t heard the song for decades, I have no idea what triggered this, and I didn’t even go to San Marino High School.
Now I sort of know how Kafka’s guy felt when he woke up and found he had turned into a cockroach.

…and we will win tonight!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Saturday, August 24, 2013

If the ancients had seen this, they would have told about a monster who lives at the bottom of the swamp who has an unquenchable thirst and eats trees whole.
Of course, once the myths passed down to us, we would sneer and congratulate ourselves on being so much more clever than the ancients. I mean really, whole trees disappearing into the bottom of a swamp? Everybody knows wood floats, it’s obviously impossible.

CLICK<<< If I were the cameraman for these videos, I would be ready to pick up my heels at any moment and sprint for solid ground, preferably in the next state. 

Friday, August 23, 2013



Thursday, August 22, 2013

或許我沒那麼愛權。我實扗不懂為甚麼有人想當總統。美國國父George Washington被強迫連任,就職典禮前他說心情好像要去見儈子手。
當年Jimmy Carter花兩年半競選總統,我很懷疑他的權力慾怎麼那麼多大。他雖然笑容可掬,但當總統平平,而糟糕的是,因為他的無能,接下來雷根上臺。

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

rain, we got rain. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Miracles happen: link<<<

Monday, August 19, 2013

太元十五年 (390 AD)
太元十六年 (391 AD)
太元十七年 (392 AD)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tonight we went to an extraordinary concert, not open to the public. The performers all came in locked buses. The show was hosted by the Agency of Corrections. For the last ten months, competitions have been held in prisons all over Taiwan for the best performers, and the winners took the stage last night. The audience was quite a set, too: mostly family members, a lot of wardens, and some, like us, teachers and counselors. I entered the Sun Yat Sen Memorial on the heels of the Vice President, but he got a better seat. The place was packed.

The first act was a drum troupe, performing on Chinese war drums, very powerful, perfectly coordinated, endless variations. They were followed by street dancers, then a group performing on angklung (a bamboo musical instrument) from Indonesia, dressed appropriately. This group was noticeably older. I wondered what would have happened twenty years ago if someone had told one of these guys, “Some day you’ll be on the stage of the SYS Memorial, dressed in a skirt, with feathers in your hair.” Hmmm. But they threw themselves into their music, and performed excellently.
We were there for the fourth act, a wind and brass ensemble, because a student I have counseled for three years performed, and, if you don’t mind my saying so, shined brightly.
The next act was Sichuan face and costume changes, in which characters dressed in Chinese opera clothes change their faces in a flash, and change whole costumes in less than a second. Very impressive.
Then there was Chinese music, Aborigine dancing, and a chorus whose conductor stole the show.

These men have lived hard lives, bending to no-one, questioning all authority. It is hard for anyone to learn how to play an instrument and get the pitch and meter just right, but it is doubly difficult for them to harmonize with others, follow directions, and work for a common goal. They performed superbly. The drums and Chinese music were as good or better than anything you hear from professionals. They have the talent. Now I hope they can put their talent to good work, to build better lives for themselves and their families. 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Thursday, August 08, 2013

 How hot was it today? 
The CKS Memorial, a favorite gathering spot, was deserted.
39.3C, a record high for Taipei. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

A lot of people in Taiwan live in this dream world where all we have to do is shriek Love Taiwan and everything will be peachy. Taiwan will become an independent nation, countries around the world will rush to recognize us and thrust a cornucopia of benefits into our hands, all our problems will be solved. 
Others may not agree. Taiwan, the ROC, has only a handful of allies, countries that formally recognize the government. The bright side is that you can see some really unusual flags downtown when their Leader comes to visit, flags you probably don't see often elsewhere. The other side is that Mainland China is, without much effort, isolating Taiwan even further simply through its might, as these allies seek to ditch Taiwan and ally themselves with the PRC. What can you say? "It doesn't make any sense any more economically speaking to be affiliated with Taiwan," says Margaret Myers, director of the China and Latin America program at the Interamerican Dialogue. It would be nice if some people could wake up and stop dreaming.

Sunday, August 04, 2013



Saturday, August 03, 2013

紅螞蟻上街倒扁也很特別。看起來都是上班族多,三、四十歲的最多,攜家帶眷,到了東門就歡呼嘩啦,比較像開party(and not a 政黨)

Thursday, August 01, 2013

最近忙,沒機會用電腦,但我要很謙虛地宣佈,托旮亙樂團的少多宜團長與周家平師兄的福,我已成為第一個吹鼻笛的西洋人。我們的鼻孔套不上去(悲慘的故事扗link<<<),但經過周師兄不斷努力,終于製造了一組適合洋鼻的鼻笛!鼻笛要塞進鼻子,音色馬馬虎虎,但有聲音!好感動!無盡感恩!I have been too busy to have much time for the computer, but I would like to modestly announce that, with the assistance of Sawtoy of the Kakeng Ensemble and Mr Chou, I have become the first Westerner to play the ngusut tipolo, or aborigine nose flute. Western nostrils just don’t fit (for an account of my struggles, please click here:::), but after months of relentless endeavor, Mr Chou succeeded in creating a ngusut tipolo that I can actually play! I have to cram the tipolo halfway up my ngusut, but I can produce a sound. My endless appreciation and gratitude!