Friday, November 30, 2012

Overheard in 林口

Thursday, November 29, 2012

An exciting story from the 4th century, Chinese with English below:
The name Siberia, Сиби́рь, comes from sibi, or subi / senbi, a Turkic word for an auspicious animal, likely the Siberian tiger. Senbi, written 鮮卑 Hsienpei / Xianbei was the name of a mounted tribe.
There were four main divisions of the Senbi; the Yuwen, Duan, Mujung, and Toba. Mujung is probably a transliteration of Bayan, a chief, a leader. They founded a kingdom called the Earlier Yen. King Huang had a brother named Han, who was a great general and so widely admired that in 333AD, he decided to remove himself from the spotlight and go to live with the Duan. He took his two sons. The Duan chief, Liao, lost battles and his kingdom, so Han went to live with the Yuwen, under their king Idogui.
We pick up our story with records for 340 AD. Idogui was jealous of Han's talent and fame. Fearing for his life, Han feigned alcoholism and insanity. He would lie down in his own urine and excrement. He let his hair down and sang and danced in the streets. He would kneel down and beg for food. All of the Yuwen were disgusted by him, so the spies stopped following him and tracking his movements. This way, Han was free to go where he pleased, and he paid careful attention to the location of all the mountains, rivers, and terrain.
King Huang of Yan knew that Han had not been disloyal, and ran away because he was distrusted, but even though he was not with his own people, he would secretly help Yan (another long story we won't go into). So King Huang sent a merchant, Wang Che, to trade with the Yuwen, and have a look at Han. When Han saw Che, he didn't say anything, but struck his chest and hung low his head. King Huang said, "Han wants to come home." He sent Che again to receive him.
Han used a bow of 300 pounds, and his arrows were especially long with big heads. King Huang had a bow and arrows made just for Han's hand. He had Che bury it beside a road, and secretly tell Han where it was.
A month later, Han stole Idogui's finest horse. He took his sons, retrieved the bow, and ran home. Idogui sent over a hundred of his most ferocious horsemen to chase after him. When they caught up with him, Han said, "I have been a wanderer for a long time and I want to go home. Now I have a fine horse, so there is no reason for me to go back with you. I fooled you by pretending to be silly, but I still have my old skill. Don't push me, or you will be bringing on your own death." The horsemen didn't think much of him, so they charged straight at him. Han said, "I have lived in your land for a long time and I have great affection for you, so I don't want to kill you. Walk a hundred paces from me, and stick your sword in the ground. I will shoot one arrow. If it hits the sword, you can go back. If I miss, you may come at me." One of the horsemen stuck his sword in the ground. Han took his bow, fired one shot, and the arrow struck the ring mounted on the handle. The horsemen scattered.
When King Huang heard Han was back, he was delighted, and greeted Han with honor and grace.
And of course they eventually wiped out the Yuwen.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

An important part of human life is staring off into space, daydreaming. Your mind needs some time to idle, turn over ideas, and rearrange thoughts. This is an important source of creativity. (It goes without saying that this should not be your main activity…)
Every moment they have free, people nowadays text others or play video games. Their inspiration is stifled by electronic cheap thrills, so no wonder creativity suffers, and is replaced by blindly following trends and fashions.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Some time today, spare a moment to remember Kennedy. "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask rather what you can do for your country."

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


(石勒生于西元二七四年, 崩于三三三年。)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thar she blows, Moby Dick has been spotted. No, Moby Dick is not spotted,
he's all white. Moby Dick has been seen, and renamed Willow.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We are approaching the thousandth birthday of Ssuma Kuang (Sima Guang), one of China's greatest historians, as well as an influential writer, politician, and scholar. He was born November 17, 1019.
When he was a boy, one of his playmates fell into a ceramic vat of water and was drowning. The other children scattered in panic. Ssuma Guang quickly broke the vat with a rock, saving the boy. His calm, decisive action was widely admired.
So go break a vat today in commemoration.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One of the best headlines ever. Has anyone notified Dave Barry?
Fake Heinz Ketchup Bottles Explode

Monday, November 12, 2012


Sunday, November 11, 2012


Saturday, November 10, 2012

I don't wish to honor the scum of the earth by wasting precious brain cells to remember their names. That guy in Norway who shot 77 people is in prison now, and complaining, complaining, complaining. :”here”: He doesn't like handcuffs, because they chaff his wrists. He can't turn on or off the lights in his three room suite. His biggest complaint is the pen he has been given, "a nightmare of a tool" that causes his hand to cramp, "an almost indescribable manifestation of sadism." My heart bleeds for him. If he doesn't like his prison, I suggest the Norwegian government send him to a prison in India, China, Pakistan, Thailand, Burma, or Afghanistan for the remainder of his term.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Romney gave a very nice speech conceding defeat in the Presidential election. To be honest, I'm glad he gave this speech rather than the other one.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Taiwan is fortunate in having many talented singers, dancers, and actors, and unfortunate in that the best are often barely noticed by the general public. Many Aborigines produce superb work that is neglected by the mainstream. This is a loss, because their work could contribute a great deal to the culture of society here.
Friday we went to the release of a new CD, Dalan (The Path). The singer is Sangpuy Katatepan Mavaliyw, a young man from the Puyuma (Beinan) tribe in southeastern Taiwan. He sings traditional songs in the Puyuma language, with modern accompaniment. His voice comes straight from the earth, powerful and pure. I recorded two short clips of the conference. The first is part of the song Milihuwan, The Grand Creator. The second is Malikasaw, The Cheerful Waggle Dance. I was deeply impressed by his singing, and hope to hear more from him.
If you have a chance, by all means, get his CD to enjoy these wonderful songs.


Saturday, November 03, 2012

an interesting comment on Aung San Suu Kyi and the situation in Burma by a Jingpo (Jinghpaw/景頗, Kachin):
"Daw Suu Kyi's popularity in Burma is not as universal as many Western admirers assume. She is adored in the lowlands, where fellow ethnic Myanmar predominates and her image adorns homes, shops, cars, and T-shirts. That reverence fades in rugged border regions, occupied by ethnic nationalities who have fought decades-long wars against Myanmar's -dominated military."

Thursday, November 01, 2012

A global poll shows that worldwide, Obama is favored over Romney in every country except one, our staunch ally in the fight against terrorism.