泰雅說,很久以前,沒有達彥(泰雅),只有深山裏的一塊巨石。有一天,巨石裂開,走出了三個人。他們看看,其中一個說,「Yaqeh balay, iyat ku!」就是「不好,我不要!」的意思。他回到石頭裏面去了。他的名字叫做麻布大。另外兩個人,男的叫做麻彥,女的叫做烏禡,他們覺得不錯,所以留下來。因為那塊巨石裂開,所以叫為賓司伯紺,就是「曾經迸裂之地」的意思。留下來的麻彥與烏禡就是最早的人類,達彥的祖先。
或許bnkis na Tayal達彥的遠祖因為看過化石,認為最早以前,人類的祖先也藏扗石頭裏。
The Dayan (Tayal) say that long ago, before there were people, there was a stone deep in the mountains. The stone broke open, and out walked three people: Mabuta, Mayan, and Uma. Mabuta looked around and said, Yuck! and went back inside the stone. Mayan and Uma liked what they saw, and became the father and mother of the human race. Because the boulder split open, that place has always been called Pinsbkan, which means, the place that split open.
But the Dayan are very practical people, not given to great leaps of fancy or fantasy. I have always thought it strange: the Dayan know all about where kids came from, how'd the stone get involved?
I have found fossils in the mountains and on the shores of Taiwan. You pick up a stone, open it up, and inside you may find a shell or a fish. A stone is hard and solid, how did those get inside?
Maybe ages ago, early Dayan found fossils, and figured that perhaps the earliest human beings had also come from stones.