Friday, October 29, 2010

Why we always carry flashlights outdoors after dark

This morning Yumin's barking woke me up… nothing new there. He had apparently spotted a snake, and I knew he would not stop barking until I went out to thank him.

When I opened the back door, I found a snake skin draped over the door. I suppose it had just shed its skin when Yumin spotted it. This is probably the skin of a 大頭蛇 square-head snake (Taiwan tree snake, Keelung cat snake, Boiga kraepelini). They’ve been around lately. Fortunately, they are not very poisonous, and they spend most of their time in trees, but you still don't want to get bitten by one. Better to carry a flashlight, no?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

泰雅說,很久以前,沒有達彥(泰雅),只有深山裏的一塊巨石。有一天,巨石裂開,走出了三個人。他們看看,其中一個說,「Yaqeh balay, iyat ku!」就是「不好,我不要!」的意思。他回到石頭裏面去了。他的名字叫做麻布大。另外兩個人,男的叫做麻彥,女的叫做烏禡,他們覺得不錯,所以留下來。因為那塊巨石裂開,所以叫為賓司伯紺,就是「曾經迸裂之地」的意思。留下來的麻彥與烏禡就是最早的人類,達彥的祖先。



或許bnkis na Tayal達彥的遠祖因為看過化石,認為最早以前,人類的祖先也藏扗石頭裏。

The Dayan (Tayal) say that long ago, before there were people, there was a stone deep in the mountains. The stone broke open, and out walked three people: Mabuta, Mayan, and Uma. Mabuta looked around and said, Yuck! and went back inside the stone. Mayan and Uma liked what they saw, and became the father and mother of the human race. Because the boulder split open, that place has always been called Pinsbkan, which means, the place that split open.

But the Dayan are very practical people, not given to great leaps of fancy or fantasy. I have always thought it strange: the Dayan know all about where kids came from, how'd the stone get involved?

I have found fossils in the mountains and on the shores of Taiwan. You pick up a stone, open it up, and inside you may find a shell or a fish. A stone is hard and solid, how did those get inside?

Maybe ages ago, early Dayan found fossils, and figured that perhaps the earliest human beings had also come from stones.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The typhoon seems to be gone, good bye, don't come back. We got off lucky, with only about two feet of rain in the last three days. Out on the coast they got over 5 feet, I think.

Friday, October 22, 2010

We may not be very sanitary, but we're honest~~~

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bad parenting award



This year's Bad Parenting Award goes to a young father I saw on the subway. His son, at most two years old, was sitting in a stroller playing with his father's IPod. Father was totally immersed in a comic book on an electronic reader. If his son said something, father replied with noticeable impatience: know your place, kid, this comic book is more important than you.

Condoms are cheap and readily available. If you don't want kids, don't have them.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In discussing the war on drugs, drug lords, drug cartels, pirates, and so forth, please take note that the most powerful, most ambitious, most ruthless, and best organized drug cartel in history is the Royal Government of the United Kingdom.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, read up on the Opium Wars.






An interesting idea to play with. If the British Royal Navy had not been so deeply involved in selling drugs, the communists might never have come to power, certainly not under Mao.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Thursday, October 14, 2010

All 33 Chilean miners have been safely rescued from the pit. Pause a moment to express gratitude that they can once again see the sun and stars. Pause a moment to express gratitude that we are lucky enough that we don't have to seek our livings hundreds of meters below the surface of the earth (and if a miner reads this, good luck to you! May you never make the headlines.) Pause a moment to express admiration for the mind-boggling bravery of two barely noticed heroes: before the rescue team started pulling the miners out of the pit, a mining engineer and a medic went DOWN into the pit to ensure an orderly rescue for the trapped miners. For me, I can't begin to imagine what kind of courage that took!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The Ch'ing dynasty emperor K'anghsi (Kangxi, 1654 – 1722) studied calculus under European missionaries. It's worth noting that calculus was invented by his contemporary, Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727). In other words, the emperor was studying the most advanced, modern science of his day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

不過,寫英語標語的話,還是找個懂英文的人寫比較好。 Doesn't this just make your mouth water?

Sunday, October 10, 2010








Wednesday, October 06, 2010













At midnight, a little bird tried to fly into our study. Even though it couldn't get in through the glass, this was a much more pleasant encounter than Poe and his Raven.

I believe this little fellow is a Fulvetta (alcippe brunnea).

Once upon a midnight sleepy, while I pondered weak and bleary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber window.
''Tis some visitor,' I muttered, 'tapping at my chamber window -
Only this, and nothing more.'

….quoth the fulvetta, Go to sleep!

Not a dumb bird, you know?

Tuesday, October 05, 2010



"Niam reten a langat ka Pazih sen." Our tribe is called the Pazih.

Some years ago, scholars and experts proclaimed the death of Pazih, an aboriginal language formally spoken across the plains of central Taiwan. Apparently, as with reports of Mark Twain's death, such claims are an exaggeration. I bought a collection of the prize winning essays and poems from last year's Ministry of Education Aboriginal Language Writing Contest, and not only are there a couple of pieces in Pazih, but there are even commentaries written in the same language! Certainly this is a cause for joy.

Monday, October 04, 2010





Sunday, October 03, 2010





She: My fingers are too long, I should trim them.

He: ??

She: Fingernails.

Saturday, October 02, 2010




Friday, October 01, 2010


This morning before 6, Yumin's barking finally woke me up. I could tell from his bark that he had his beagly eye on a snake. No big deal, we get lots of snakes. Only worth mentioning for two reasons. First, there were two of these together, which is unusual. Second, the snakes are called Taiwan tree snakes (or 大頭蛇 Square-head snake, Keelung cat snake, Boiga kraepelini). They are only mildly poisonous. One of them seemed pretty long for a TTS. I prodded it off the ladder it had wrapped around, and as it moved into the underbrush, I estimated it to be over 190 cm long. I checked all my material, and the longest recorded length they have is 160 cm. So this one was had quite a long tail. And this is the end of this short tale.