Friday, February 26, 2010

Two years ago on this blog, I wrote about the search for a very rare plant which grows close to our home, called 赤箭, a kind of gastrodia. Click here<<< At that time, the botanists were able to find the winter variety, 冬赤箭, but the 春赤箭 spring variety remained so elusive that only two botanists had ever seen the plant.

Apparently it is a very interesting species. It emits a fruity smell that attracts bugs into its flower, which then closes lightly on the bug, dusting it with pollen (seeds?) to carry elsewhere; that is, if I got the explanation straight. Pretty intricate method of transmission, and judging from the rarity of the plant, the efficacy may be limited. There are very few, and they all seem to be right here on the bamboo grove on the slope by our home.

This year more botanists have been scouring the slope, and they have found the spring variety, so now maybe a total of half a dozen botanists have seen this plant. I took some photos, and this time managed to keep Byajing from trampling it.

More photos of 冬赤箭 the winter variety here::

Saturday, February 20, 2010

In Seal Beach, we watched a seal surfing.
So I was somewhat disappointed
that I didn't see any huntingtons at Huntington Beach.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

If you ever find yourself in the Bay area, be sure to make a trip to see the redwoods. To hell with Ronald Reagan, these ancient giants remind us of the grandeur of nature, changeless but ever changing.

When you think of redwoods, usually you think of going north from San Francisco, but actually there are lots of them on the lower peninsula. About twenty years ago, Steff took me to visit Sam McDonald County Park in the mountains in San Mateo, an unforgettable visit. Chao wanted to see them too, so after visiting Mom in Orange County, when we went to San Jose, we borrowed a car and led by google and a very suspicious GPS, we set forth.

We eventually found ourselves at an entrance to the park, but I didn't remember that there was an entrance fee, so I wasn't sure that this was the entrance we wanted. We ventured further up the road. Not far, we espied a pickup and a sheriff's car parked on a turnout by the road. The sheriff was peering down into the ravine. He said that yes, that was the entrance, and he explained that he was waiting for the driver of the truck to stop hiding. He knows the guy doesn't have a license, and when the driver saw the sheriff he ditched his truck and ran into the ravine to hide. The truck said 美麗的三蕃市 on the door, so I moseyed over to the edge of the ravine and said in a loud voice 警察還沒走 ("The sheriff hasn't left yet"). The sheriff said, "You know, it's strange that they haven't closed Sam McDonald yet, because somebody saw two mountain lions there last night, so I thought they would close the park, but they didn't, so you can go ahead, and have a nice day." Encouraging, you know?

We did have a nice time and we had the whole park to ourselves, which was good and which was not good. If there were other people, maybe the mountain lions would eat the other people instead of us. Actually, we didn't see any mountain lions at all. I'm not sure if I am sorry about that or not.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On Tet, Toan and Quyen took us to Lộc Uyển / 鹿苑 / Deer Park, the temple in Escondido founded by Nhất Hạnh一行禪師. The temple is located in very dry, barren hills studded with boulders, a far cry from the lush vegetation of Viet Nam. The ceremony proved to be vastly different from a Chinese Buddhist Tet ceremony. 在臺灣佛寺,過年就是拜:通常拜千佛懺。在鹿苑禪堂舞龍舞獅,師父還送紅包給在家眾,好不習慣。拜法師,拜兩拜,在臺灣未遇過兩拜。

On the way back, I noticed a sign on a gym: INDOOR ROCK-CLIMBING. That really threw me. For me, rock-climbing is something you do to get somewhere in the mountains, not a goal in itself (which may be why I've never been any good at the sport). In Escondido you've got sunshine at least 300 days a year, I bet, and the hills are covered with tempting boulders. Why on earth would anyone want to go indoors to climb? 參吧!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

May the tiger bring good luck and fortune for us all.


Sunday, February 14, 2010





我現在爬山都赤腳,部分原因是買不到合腳的登山鞋;現在難買,當年就是買不到。有人建議我到萬華的小偷市場買美軍鞋,我想這個idea不錯,就去了,找到一雙Made in Taiwan的美麗軍鞋;與美國軍隊的鞋子,貌合神離。可是還算合腳,買了。









In December, 1971, I went with Adolph, a German friend, to Yushan, the highest mountain in Taiwan, at nearly 4000m. To get to the trailhead, we had to pass over 64 railroad bridges with mossy, wobbly ties and deep valleys below. No fun.
For scale, look at Adolph standing in the middle of the bridge in the upper photo.

Happy Year of the Tiger to one and all.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy new year
all of us
all of you

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

S: Yugan, Tlahuy怎麼了?走路怪怪的。
S: 給牠買單車吧!

S: Yugan, what’s wrong with Tlahuy? He's walking funny.
Me: He's getting old, he jumped so much when he was younger that he hurt his legs.
S: So get him a bicycle!

Monday, February 08, 2010

陸世儀‧思辨錄輯要 曰, 「詩不當從沈約韻。約韻皆吳音。人知之而卒從之者。人好學唐詩,則韻亦從唐韻矣。洪武中,既有正韻,禮部頒行,經數大儒訂正,校讎甚精,奈何不從耶。」


Sunday, February 07, 2010





思故鄉,現代臺灣了解鄉愁的,只有老兵、早期留學生、外地打工的原住民。還有外勞。三十年前在松山國際機場經常看到出國人左手一把鼻涕眼淚、右手護照證件,因為那時一出國,沒五六年不太可能回來。家裏縱使有電話(也不一定有),打國際電話又麻煩又貴,只好守信箱,跟郵差聯絡感情。現在出國是家常飯:坐飛機比吃媽媽煮的菜更為頻繁,孩子吃的是外面帶回來的便當,與飛機餐差不多,莫怪他與雙親感情淡薄。反正,到了目的地,還沒辦手機之前,就打Skype,哪有甚麼鄉愁?一樣都是麥當勞、7/11、The Gap,那幾家,怎會思故鄉?



Friday, February 05, 2010



They may wrap me in chains of iron,
They may bind me in chains of steel,
But never can they break my will!

Very unwillingly I have tied up Yumin. Dogs should be free to roam and to rove, but dear beagle Yumin has been digging up Yata's vegetable patch, so he has to be tied up until the seedlings get a bit larger.

When will he ever learn,
Oh when will he ever learn!?

Thursday, February 04, 2010

A marvelous bit of writing in Churchill’s History of the English Speaking Peoples, about the Scottish invasion of England in 1640:
One morning a Scottish horseman, watering his horse in the river, came too near the English outposts. Some one pulled a trigger; the shot went home; the imprudent rider was wounded; all the Scots cannon fired and all the English army fled. A contemporary writer wrote, "Never so many ran from so few with less ado."