Tuesday, October 30, 2007


These bread-making machines are really something. At the recommendation of my pottery teacher’s wife, I bought one recently, and it’s great. All you have to do is choose your recipe, measure your ingredients, pour them in, push the buttons, and wait for delicious perfectly baked bread. Sure, a stone oven might be even better, but with a stone oven, you have to do a lot more than just shovel in the ingredients. This is so easy that even I can make scrumptious bread, and a house full of the smell of baking bread is a happy house, even if it’s a robot doing the baking.

With the bread machine, I also bought a pasta machine, for shaping and cutting noodles. Flushed with my success with the bread, I decided to try my hand at making pasta, noodles! Hurrah! How hard could it be? The recipe says you don’t even need eggs, substitute water for eggs. Flour and water? I can handle that! Just get out your fork, pour the ingredients into a bowl, stir with the fork, and prepare to cut your noodles into desired thickness and length with the machine.

I got off to a good start, successfully pouring the goodies into a bowl and stirring with a fork. But the recipe says a good pasta mix doesn’t stick to your fingers. Very nice, but how do you achieve this mix? Mine could be used for super glue.

After much vigorous stirring, accompanied by appropriate thrusting, grunting, and prodding, I finally had a viscous glob that didn’t look anything like the photos in the pasta machine booklet. I tried putting it through the rollers, and came out with a flattened viscous glob. I realized I would not be eating perfectly shaped noodles for dinner, so I resorted to Plan B: 麵疙瘩: I am not sure how to say that in English, but noodle globs would be pretty close. You take globs of noodle dough, or blobs if you prefer, and flick them into boiling water, which is a pretty good trick when they’re glued to your fingers: not the ideal mix, I see. But I managed, without scalding myself too seriously.

So I enjoyed a meal of tasty noodle globs. At least I convinced myself it was tasty. But I think I’ll leave the pasta machine for another time, and stick to the bread making machine. Unfortunate choice of words, that: stick. Can anybody help me get some of this dough off my fingers?


Monday, October 29, 2007













←盉 壺→


PS: 盉,从皿禾聲,戶戈切,段十七部;ㄏㄜ二聲,同禾和龢鉌等音。

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is this? What’s wrong with these people? Here I see an article that says

Terrorism is a daily threat in Afghanistan six years after the 9/11 attacks that led the United States to topple the Taliban, the government said Tuesday on the anniversary of the Al-Qaeda attacks.

And again:

Violence in Afghanistan has surged nearly 30 percent this year and suicide bombings are inflicting a high toll on civilians, a new United Nations report says.

I simply don’t know what’s the matter with these people. Don’t they know that Rumsfeld announced the American action in Afghanistan is successful?

Saturday, October 27, 2007







Friday, October 26, 2007

I love online dictionaries. Today I learned that the Swedish word for passage is genomfart. Isn’t that mellifluous?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

For various reasons, recently I translated two poems for Sabiy. These are from the Confucian classic, Poetry (sometimes called Odes), and date from roughly 500BC.

邶風 靜女




Quiet Girl

Quiet girl, you are so beautiful,

You said you would wait for me at the corner of the city wall

I came on time but you hid so I couldn’t see you

I tore my hair and stamped my feet.

Quiet girl, you are so gorgeous,

You gave me your lacquer needle-case

The lacquer needle case is beautiful

I love it as much as I love your beauty.

When we were out grazing the cattle you gave me a tassel of grass,

It is beautiful and special,

But I love it not because it is beautiful,

I love it because you gave it to me.

陳風 月出




The Rising Moon

The rising moon is shining hey

The beautiful woman is so charming hey

She is graceful and elegant hey

If I don’t see her my heart aches.

The rising moon is bright hey

The beautiful woman is so entrancing hey

She is lissome and refined hey

If I don’t see her my heart wrenches.

The rising moon is brilliant hey

The beautiful woman is so enthralling hey

She is poised and stylish hey

If I don’t see her my heart yearns.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


小時候在美國上公民課,老師一而再、再而三強調:民主是法制的政治;民主百姓的義務與權利,義務佔三分之二,權利只佔三分之一。公民首要義務是:知法守法,因為民主是法制的政治。(中國有一句,不知者無罪,與美國相反。美國說,Ignorance is no excuse under the law: 不知者有罪。)










Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I am reading an excellent book, The Crow Indians, by Robert H Lowie. Lowie did his research among the Crows in the early 20th century, and published the book in 1935. I am reading a reprint by the University of Nebraska press, with a 2004 introduction by Phenocia Bauerle, a member of the tribe.

I will sing the praises of the book some other time. Today I would like to mention something that seems interesting. The author quotes a war chant:

‘“Eternal are the heavens and the earth; old people are poorly off; do not be afraid.” The sentiment here expressed is one of the most characteristic of the Crow: mortals cannot expect to live forever like the great phenomena of nature; let them console themselves with the thought that old age is a thing of evil and court death while still young.’

Compare that to a line in another book I reread recently, Tales of the South Pacific, by James A Michener. Describing the bloody landing on Kuralei near the end of World War II, he describes a commanding officer: “He had the sad, tired look that old men wear when they have sent young men to die.”

What happened to talk of glory? On July 26, 2005 in this blog I discussed the war lust of earlier literature. Perhaps young men are less willing to go down in a blaze of glory because old age has lost many of its evils.

Two hundred years ago, a young Crow could look forward to a toothless, nearly blind old age of infirmity. Now we have false teeth and reading glasses so we can eat and see. Old age is not so fearful that the young wish to court death.

Dear President Bush: Please do not send any more young people to die in Iraq. Or anywhere else. If you want to fight, you were trained as a pilot, go bomb Iraq yourself. But please do not send any more young people to die.

Monday, October 22, 2007

bikes, YIKES!

From the subway terminal in New Store to Wulai is about 14 kilometers. The road goes up from about 25 meters elevation at the terminal up to around 100, then comes all the way back down again before climbing again to around 200 meters and finally coming down to about 100 meters at the bus terminal and parking lot in Wulai. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, I do, so never mind.

Because of the length and slopes, plus the scenery, the road is a favorite for bike riders. On weekends, especially when the weather is good, you see packs and packs of bicycle riders pedaling some very expensive hardware, decked out in skin tight pants, those bizarre helmets, spiffy shades, and jerseys in colors most tropical fish would cringe at as too gaudy.

However, going in to teach yesterday morning, I saw something very upsetting. WARNING: the following description is graphic: queasy readers are strongly advised to stop here!!

On the road between Bunqo日月光 and Tampya 忠治, I saw a young man chugging uphill at a very good clip. He was riding a 3 speed clunker with high rise handlebars, a big fat comfortable seat, and a basket between the handlebars. What’s worse, he was dressed in loose, comfortable clothing in tasteful colors.

Why are bike riders like this permitted on public roads?

Sunday, October 21, 2007





當然,這樣要求老師能說英語;這牽涉到教育部栽培師資問題。我不怪老師,但臺灣英老師,大多數沒有辦法把二十六個字母念對一半,學生還有甚麼希望呢?::諒我肆吼幾下:g念似「計」,絕對絕對不可以念「居」!!n不可以念「恩」!l 怎麼念?f 怎麼念?我哭了。太多問題。














十多年前吧,有個高中補習班老闆,因為他同學有個兒子是ABC,生在美國,長在美國,華語不太行,所以大二暑假回來練中文,老闆在補習班給他找點事作:就讓他校對英文課的講義吧。後來ABC與補習班老師鬧的很僵,快要動粗的時候找我去調停。ABC說老師寫的英文不通,老師在文法祕笈查出證據說沒錯。問題在于,那位ABC學生用的是實際英文;補習班老師雖有憑有據,但那種高中課本英文、升大插大英文,你隨便帶到美國任何一個Freshman Comp(大一寫作班),老師一定會把紅筆拿出來改錯。我們是現代人。我們應該講的是現代的英文;否則乾脆也把Beowulf編入高中英文教材吧。我們要學的、要教的英文,應該是實用、通用的英文;若能有文學氣息,最好不過。








這法子多棒!我們可以花很多錢玩公投,多麼熱鬧!當然囉,這種英文限用于台灣,可是跟入聯公投有甚麼兩樣?愛臺灣嘛!所以one可以念「萬」;yap是肯定語而不是哈巴狗叫聲;no thoroughfare表示「禁止通行」;只能說between 2不可以說between 3;而且各種死英文可以復活。此外,最棒最好的效果是,UN for Taiwan就成英文啦!皆大歡喜、信受奉行、天女散花,善哉。



Saturday, October 20, 2007

I saw a wonderful parade on the way to work today. 仁愛路 was full of happy kids, colorful costumes, lively dancers, cheerful aborigines, and really loud drums: no amplifiers, no other instruments, just rank after rank of really really LOUD drums. Smiles were on every spectator’s face.

The best thing was, I asked a lot of the people watching, and nobody had any idea what the parade was about. A parade can’t get any better than that!

Friday, October 19, 2007


This is an armlet by Watan Kahat, made of boar’s tusks and hair from a wig. This sort of armlet is called a mstunan in Tayal. Traditionally, only men could wear them. Only a man who had hunted boar could wear one of boar’s tusks. Others had to content themselves with rattan, cloth, or other materials. Only a man who had considerable success in headhunting could wear mstunan on both arms. Otherwise, only one was permitted.

And you can figure out for yourself that they did not use wigs for the hair to decorate the mstunan.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

This morning while I was standing on the porch, I was surprised to see a leaf falling straight down. I was standing under a roof, where could it be falling from? I was even more surprised when, after it landed, the wind blew it towards me, because there was no wind blowing.

Careful examination revealed that that was no leaf at all, it was a moth!

Sure fooled me!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

make tea, not waves

The Bean Regime is holding a referendum on entering the UN. They seem to think that if they vote to enter the UN, Sesame! the doors of the UN will open for them. They don’t seem to grasp the concept that, it doesn't matter if 100% of the people in Taiwan vote to enter the UN, it's still not going to happen. The US State Department has publicly washed their hands of the Bean regime, saying they are unreasonable and it’s impossible to deal with them. Nobody in Europe supports Taiwan's joining the UN. Even traditional ROC supporters in Central America, like Costa Rica, refuse to support Taiwan. So in my opinion, it's a waste of time, money, and effort. The regime is spending piles of money to ram this down our throats. There are far more pressing needs in Taiwan.

The referendum has very little popular support, but Taiwan is festooned with signs that say UN for Taiwan. This is supposedly English, and is supposed to mean Taiwan wants to join the UN. You figure it out, it's too difficult for me.

But last week a letter I wrote to Chao arrived in Boston with two rubber stamps supporting the referendum. In class I gave this as an example; I frequently tell my students, when you use a foreign language, your first concern is not whether you are right or wrong, but whether you are communicating. “UN for Taiwan” doesn’t make sense. Right? “A phone call for you,” “Republicans for Kerry.” What is UN for Taiwan supposed to mean? That the UN supports Taiwan??

I also pointed out that putting these stamps on my envelope infringes on my freedom of speech. The referendum has not been held yet; the people have not yet spoken, and in my mind, in a democracy, the voice of the people is supreme.

Can you imagine the uproar there would be in the US if, say, before the 2004 election, Bush had ordered the US Post Office to mark private envelopes with rubber stamps saying “Bush for President”? Not even Dubya would go that far.

My voice was heard, and since then I have been interviewed by 7 tv stations, some radio stations, and some newspapers. The Chief of the Government Information Office insists that UN for Taiwan is correct English. Ok, if you say so.

He has challenged me to debate this slogan with him. (the gentleman on the left in this photo, addressing the national legislature) I have to admit, I am awed by his English ability (his college major was German); I have taught English to college level adults for over 30 years, including over 10 years teaching GRE Reading and Vocabulary, and I can’t make any sense out of that slogan. If he can figure out what it means, his English must be a lot better than mine!

When I went to the city today, a lot of people gave me big smiles. But of course, one of the joys of living in Taiwan is the wondrous civility of the people. Near the President’s Office, a postman making deliveries took a close look at me and asked if I was the guy on television. I said yes. He gave me a big thumbs up and said, We’re all cheering for you! (我們郵差都為你加油!) In the post office we don’t want those stamps either, but they force us to do that. Put up a big fight, the bigger the better! (鬧的越大越好!)

Frankly, I think we need quiet, reasoned discussion, not challenges or fights. Democracy has a long way to go in Taiwan; we need work on basic concepts of respect for others’ opinions and for other’s right to express those opinions. We even need work on basic civility among ranking officials; Du, the Minister of Education, perhaps the most widely detested person in Taiwan after President Chen, was publicly picking his nose during an official appearance in the national legislature. Questions of breeding aside, this is indicative of how much respect Bean’s appointed officials have for the representatives elected by the people.

But as for me, I’ve voiced my opinion, and I'm bowing out.






就有人愛閉門關窗,對著鏡子唱,We are the World






有人說,UN for Taiwan沒錯,是簡寫。如果是簡寫的話,實在太簡了,誰看懂?要簡寫,也可以單寫一個T字,代表臺灣入聯;沒人看懂而已。標語的作用,應該是讓人家看懂吧?

有學生戲解UN for Taiwan Unfortunately, Nobody’s for Taiwan. 苦笑。

新聞局的謝局長叫我放馬過來,跟他辯英文,我自嘆不如,甘拜下風,承認他英文程度比我高。我教了三十多年的成人英文,可是我實在看不懂UN for Taiwan怎麼會是代表臺灣入聯的意思。謝局長能看懂的話,他的英文程度一定比我高太多!因此,我只好揮淚,婉拒他的邀請。


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

新聞局長認為,UN for Taiwan還是對的, so I must be wrong ~~ ho ho ho!

Monday, October 15, 2007

blog上禮拜四(十月十一日)提出,UN for Taiwan不成英文。結果,立委因而質問新聞局長,新聞局長堅持UN for Taiwan沒錯。




Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Friend in Need

Overheard near Taipei Train Station




Guy #1: Since you have a few more days vacation, why don’t you stay in Taipei? You can stay in our place in Nankang. The tenants moved out last week, so it’s empty now.

Guy #2: Moved out? Didn’t they just move in not long ago?

Guy #1: Yeah, but the place is haunted, so we can’t hold on to tenants.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Walking by a store, I happened to glance in, and saw the shopkeeper slouched down as close to horizontal as possible in a chair, watching a televised game of pool.

You must be pretty close to brain dead to watch pool on television. That’s almost as bad as watching golf or bass fishing or baseball.

Before the days of television, the man would have been busy arranging his stock, fixing tools, whittling bowls and spoons, weaving baskets, gossiping with the boss next door, playing a musical instrument, or any one of a hundred little tasks. Now with efficient mass production and mass television, people are too passive to do anything with their lives: better to watch a brain deadening television show than to find something interesting to do.

At the end of a busy, fulfilling day, I sometimes wonder how anybody ever finds time to read a newspaper. There is so much to do! Aside from yard work and chores, I have a pile of slabs of wood that I have promised to carve for friends, tea to drink, tea pots to polish, clouds to watch, a bookcase to repair, mantras to tell, frogs to listen to, calligraphy to practice, recorders to play, dogs to play with, letters to write, saplings to plant, crickets to see, books to read and reread, paths to follow, sutras to chant, birds to admire, and in some distant year which I hope may never arrive, I should clean out the basement.

People ask me, Don’t you get bored up there in the mountains? Are you kidding? I can barely find time to go out and earn money! I realized that I am never bored because I do not have a television.

Friday, October 12, 2007






Thursday, October 11, 2007


我發現我寄到國外的信件,郵局擅自蓋章:UN FOR TAIWAN,完全沒有爭取我同意、違犯我本人立場、侵犯我發言權、冒犯我的言論自由。

唯一可以安慰的是,這句不成文的章,外國人一定看不懂。UN for Taiwan是甚麼意思?看不懂,這不是英文。


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Today is Double Ten, the anniversary of Dr Sun Yat-sen’s revolution which overthrew the Ching dynasty and established the Republic of China. China was being flayed by imperialist powers (England, France, Germany, Japan, the US, Russia), and yet, in the words of Wang Ching Chun, a Chinese representative to the US, China gave “the world the greatest revolution of modern times in the most civilized manner known to history. We have emancipated ourselves from the imperial yoke, not by brute force, but by sheer reasoning and unparalleled toleration. Within the amazingly short period of four months, and without shedding over one hundredth part of the blood that has been shed in other similar revolutions, we have transformed our immense country from an empire of four thousand years’ standing into a modern democracy.”

October 10th, Double Ten, commemorates this "new standard of sanity in revolutions." There's always a parade in Taipei to celebrate the national day, and today, for the first time in 16 years, it was a military parade. However, President Bean emphasized that this is a "national defense performance," not a "review," because "only dictators 'review troops.' We are having a 'national defense performance.’” Nice to know that so many American presidents have been dictators, isn’t it?

Think of all the world leaders Bean has called dictators in that charming statement. Quite the diplomat. I’m sure the People's Liberation Army is changing any plans they might have had, now that they know Taiwan has not a military, but national defense performers. Hard to keep a straight face.

But this is indicative of the Bean Regime. In almost eight years as president, he has done nothing concrete or constructive. He has apparently devoted all his energies to setting new records for corruption, and a new record for the world’s lowest popularity rating of any elected president since public opinion polls were first invented. Other than that, he has done nothing. Since he is incapable of doing anything else, all he has done is changed some names. He changed the name of the airport, the post office, and a few other agencies.

Too bad he doesn't do anything for Taiwan.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Patrick Henry said, Give me liberty or give me death.

The cry heard throughout the land now is, Give me junk food and give me death.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Nine years ago, a road was started near my place. The road served absolutely no practical purpose, beyond opening land for speculation and enriching those involved in the construction work. The only other benefit of the road is that it provides a secluded place for dumping trash: secluded, because nobody goes there. There’s no other reason to go there.

Fortunately, they only built 400 meters of the road. The workmanship was so shoddy that in the first big rain, the end of it slid off the mountain, so the taxpayers had to foot the bill to fix that with new embankments.

Typhoon Krosa came over the weekend. It was not a particularly impressive typhoon, aside from one distinction: it stayed. Most typhoons whisk right by, but Krosa wanted to visit Taiwan, so it wobbled around the northeast coast, dumping rain on us. Some places got over 1200mm of rain on Saturday ~~ that’s over a meter of rain in one day ~ but Wulai village got only a quarter of that, not even 300mm on Saturday. We didn’t even win a spot in the Top 100 for rainfall.

But that road slid again. This time was more serious. The whole embankment came down and wiped out 環山路Huanshan Road below, which is Wulai’s main road. Villages further into the mountains, Rahaw, Hapun, Mangan, are cut off. The taxpayers now have the privilege of paying for the mess to be cleaned up. At least part of it. All that mud is going to reach the stream and disrupt the ecosystem there, but how much do politicians care about that? You don’t make money by protecting stream ecosystems from landslides, not easy money, or ready money, anyway.

Yesterday I visited the landslide at Huanshan Road, just outside our entry. Today I took a notion to visit the top. Crossing the jungle was arduous. I must have been the last person to cross that path, and that was a good six months ago. Since then, constant rainfall popped up lots of vegetation which Krosa blew down. By the time I reached the top of the slide, I didn’t want to come back the same way, so I took a long walk up the mountain, across, and back.

I wish to emphasize that the destruction was entirely manmade. Gen, gen, gen! I was out all afternoon. I saw two other little slides, and all three places where there was damage, was due to the presence of a road. Taiwan already has all the roads we need. In these steep mountains, building roads equals building landslides. When will they ever learn?

I took a pile of photographs. You may view them at


Sunday, October 07, 2007






Saturday, October 06, 2007

Here’s a question somebody asked on the web:

Dear EarthTalk: The marketing of soda to school kids was a big item in the news this past year. What’s so bad about soda and where can I find healthier alternatives that still have the “fizz?”
— Chase Abromovitch, via e-mail

To my way of thinking, simply asking such a question is inconceivable, sort of like asking, what’s so bad about getting attacked by a great white shark?


Friday, October 05, 2007

What’s going on?

The Homeland Security Department produced a video marked Official Use Only, showing the destruction hackers could cause by controlling part of the US electrical grid: an “enormous turbine shudders as pieces fly apart and it belches black and white smoke.”

Idaho National Laboratory made the video for top US policy makers, and sun of a gun, somehow Associated Press got hold of it, and made it public. All concerned emphasize that this is all theoretical, that there have been no hacker attacks on the power grid, everything’s okay, this is just a hypothetical scenario, SO DON’T PANIC, THERE’S NO NEED FOR CONCERN, EVERYTHING’S ALL RIGHT, BUT DON’T LET THOSE HACKERS NEAR OUR POWER SUPPLY! STOP THEM BEFORE THEY CAUSE THE END OF CIVILIZATION!!

Come on now, White House, start screaming, aren’t you supposed to scream and rant when somebody leaks material authorized for only high-level briefings? Am I paranoid, or am I the only person who smells a rat?

OK, I’m paranoid, George and Dick really have our best interests at heart. Just don’t be surprised when Homeland Security starts investigating people who use computers and interrogating them on the suspicion of attempting to blow up the power supply.