Sunday, September 30, 2007


There is actually a Rock, Paper, Scissors World Championship . They’d better hope nobody from Taiwan shows up, because I bet Taiwan could sweep this event. 臺灣加油!一定可以成霸!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

It was pouring when I took these photos. 今天下午是我這一生看過最大的太陽雨與最扁的彩虹.。照相時雨極大。

This afternoon I saw the hardest sunshine shower and the flattest rainbow I’ve ever seen. Talakay tohuy balay, kwara utux.

This brings to mind the old English proverb, If it rains while the sun is shining, the devil is beating his wife with a leg of mutton.

This choice bit of profundity makes you wonder if a lot of British babies got dropped on their heads…

Friday, September 28, 2007

I do not like very much the American convention of calling teachers by their first name. This has sprung up within the last generation, coinciding with the great changes in educational theory that leave American high school graduates in last place among developed countries, and behind a good number of third world countries too. University standards are falling accordingly.

Transmission of knowledge, culture, skills, or abilities requires deference to authority. A hundred students out of a hundred may choose the wrong answer, but it’s still wrong. The classroom is not the place for democracy. By showing the teacher respect, the students consent to be taught: they accept that they need to do the work necessary to learn, to clear the prejudices and misconceptions from their minds to acquire new data. A good teacher knows what the students need and should not cater to their whims, because the teacher should have deeper vision than the students; if not, on what authority does the teacher stand at the front of the classroom? The students may decide for themselves what is fashionable. The teacher’s duty is to disregard fashion and teach what endures. The teacher should challenge the students with great ideas, rather than pull everything down to the Disney pop level for safe, easy consumption.

from Overheard Everywhere
incoming freshman, about required pre-entry reading: We should not have to be exposed to new ideas we might not agree with.

University campus
Chapel Hill
, North

Teaching English as a Second Language, especially Vocabulary, I am acutely aware that I am quite literally putting words into my students’ mouths. An effective teacher changes the students’ behavior, starting with the ideas they think and the ideas they express. As such, it is useless so speak merely about teaching skills without molding character. Skills are built on the foundation of character. You can teach a slob a thousand times the importance of getting to work on time, but unless his behavior accommodates the teaching, he still gets fired for being late. Simply knowing without putting into action is at best vain, at worst hypocrisy = thus my utter contempt for Jean Paul Sartre, as great a hypocrite as any who ever lived. If you don’t believe something enough to put it into action in your own life, keep your mouth shut and pen still.

In college and graduate school (師大, National Taiwan Normal U), at the beginning of each class, when our teacher entered the room, we all stood up, bowed to the teacher who bowed to us, and were seated. We repeated this at the end of each class. One of our teachers (王北岳老師) said that when he was a grade schooler in Beijing, before the communist takeover, when the teacher came, all the boys and girls would line up outside the classroom to greet the teacher, exchange bows, invite the teacher inside, and exchange bows again. We would have done it.

On Overheard in New York is an example of everything that is wrong with American education,

Student, after two-hour lecture on Charles Darwin: Yo, professor?
Teacher: Yes, Phyllis?
Student: That Charlie -- he da man!
Teacher: Indeed! Charlie is the man, Phyllis! Excellent!

--Queensborough Community College

Today is the birthday of one of the greatest teachers who ever lived, Confucius, who taught me how to think and behave; any transgressions are my own responsibility.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

A high school in Heidelberg, Germany, is giving a course in happiness, in which the students learn how to be happy.

That cracks me up: think of how serious and systematic Germans are, and you get a picture of teenagers grimly studying Happiness I, Lesson 1, steps i through iv, everything by the book. Oh no, I forget Step vii/b, I must be miserable! Then maybe failing a test in Happiness and dreading telling their parents.

“My Gott, Fritz, you can’t be happy, you got only a C in Happiness I, wipe that smile off your face!”

And the image springs to mind of the teacher flexing his cane and saying ominously, “Ve have VAYZ of making you smile!”

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Qalux said, One day when we were in junior high school, Iban and I wandered off to the city. We were down by the Taipei train station. We saw the 公保大樓 (health center, like workman’s comp) had a sign asking people to donate blood. We peeked in, and we saw that blood donors got some juice and some fruit, or maybe a sandwich. We were hungry, and of course we didn’t have money for food, so we thought that was a good idea. In those days Tayal didn’t have money, so we kids rarely bought anything. We hardly ever ate or drank anything purchased. We drank the water from streams and springs or what Mother had at home, and maybe at a festival we could sneak a drink of millet wine when nobody noticed. The food we ate, Mother fed us, we got fed at school, and we ate wild fruit and vegetables and fish when we were out playing in the jungle. But we almost never ate anything packaged, so those sandwiches and bottled juice looked exotic and very attractive. We were hungry anyway. Iban went to the window to donate blood first, and when he finished and got his snack, it was my turn and I donated blood. But before I finished, I heard a sound, I looked back, Iban had finished his snack and he fainted! Yugan, you know Iban didn’t have a good constitution so he fainted, and they gave him back his blood.

I’ve always thought he did that on purpose. He got the juice and the sandwich and they gave back his blood. You know Iban is clever.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007




Happy Moon Festival! However, tonight when you admire the ‘moon,’ please be sure that what you are looking at is actually the moon. Sometimes a large egg rises in its place. I have proof: please note this photo I took on July 3 of this year. If that is not an egg rising over the mountains in Wulai, please tell me what it is.

Look carefully and do not be deceived by false moons!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Say a wise teacher – someone you have learned a lot from, someone you trust absolutely – tells you there is a bomb in a package; believing there is a bomb does you no harm and is even beneficial to your daily routine; disbelieving there is a bomb does you no good. What would you do? Would you take the teacher’s word for it and be careful about the package? Or would you insist on jumping up and down on the package to see if it would explode?

I have no experience of reincarnation, but I have learned so much from the buddhas, if they say it is dangerous, that’s good enough for me. Living as though I will carry responsibilities from this life into the future does me no harm, and lends a useful check on various exuberances, so why not?

Buddhism holds that ego is the source of reincarnation. Your hold on your ideas, your pleasures and displeasures glue you into the cycle of reincarnation. Jehovah and Allah may be gods, Satan may be a demon, but they are so burdened by their egos that eventually they will be recycled; their lifespans may be unimaginably long to us, but sooner or later, their lives as gods and demons will end and they will have huge piles of karmic debts to deal with. The goal of being a Buddhist is to free yourself from this cycle. That said, it is worth noting that if a Buddhist are not working to free himself from this cycle, he has wandered from the path of Buddhism and is flopping hopelessly in mud.

Buddhists cremate the dead, a cleansing ritual. Tibet is a Buddhist nation, but there are not enough trees to cremate the dead, and how would you like to try to dig a grave in the rocky soil at five thousand meters? Due to their environment, Tibetans deal with their dead through what is called Sky Burials, or could even be called Vulture Burials. The dead are dismembered and laid out for vultures to clean up.

A Buddhist friend forwarded a series of photos of a Sky Burial, showing step by step the ritual by which the corpse is cut into pieces for the vultures. For Buddhists, this is a useful reminder of the impermanence of the flesh we love so dearly, and benefits the practitioner of the White Bones method.

However, the email came with the warning not to look at the photos while eating or after eating, for fear of wasting food.

This struck me as strange. For a meat-eater, one who has not progressed to being a vegetarian, what could be horrifying or repulsive about photos of an old man being prepared for Sky Burial? The photos look pretty much like any butcher’s counter. The Tibetan mortician dissects the corpse cut by cut, just like a butcher dissects a dead animal cut by cut.

To tell the truth, I think a butcher’s counter is more nauseating than a Sky Burial. In the photos, the corpse is an old man. Since he is Tibetan, I assume that when he died he was accompanied by his friends and family who comforted him and told mantras for him. After death, the man in charge of the burial respectfully prepared the corpse according to ritual, with a pious, sympathetic heart, telling mantras all the time, hoping that the dead would break free of the cycle of reincarnation to achieve total liberty and release from troubles and cares.

What a difference from the fate suffered by the poor animals destined to be stuffed down human throats! Butchers have very little care for the doomed. All animals cling to life and evade death; this is an immutable fact of evolution. To promote the survival of their species, all animals are attuned to the presence or danger of death. Flight or fight; they react with terror, fear, rage, anguish, or aggression. Meat animals such as pigs and cows are naturally predisposed to flight, so they struggle and cringe. If they do not cooperate in their murder, the butcher hits them, kicks them, and yells at them. Kosher murders intensify the poor creatures’ suffering. The butchers have no respect for their victims, and are in it only for the money, slice, chop, hack, look at this delicious piece of dead animal, bloody and ravished, just right for a steak, doesn’t that make you drool? Yummy yummy, dead pig! Yummy yummy, tortured chicken! Lick your fingers!

Sky Burials and a butcher’s counter, which one is more terrifying? Which one is more nauseating?

Don’t ask me why I am a vegetarian; ask yourself why you’re not.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Arrogance can be comforting, the belief that one is a blossom of cleverness springing from a dung heap of stupidity; a snug bit of emotional insulation. But it’s a risky delusion, leading to ill-preparedness, a sudden lack of balance, when reality comes crashing down and clever is no longer enough.

Jonathan Kellerman, Over the Edge

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hell no I won’t go!

overheard on the subway




3 year old girl: No! No! I don’t want to go to church!

Grandfather: But that’s Jesus’ home.

3 year old girl: I want to go to my own home!

Friday, September 21, 2007

The news from Paris is that President Nicolas Sarkozy has begun to rein in generous benefits of powerful unionized workers with a speech demanding "a new social contract."

I’m all for it. Maybe we could get this guy to go to Washington and do the same thing for the exorbitant benefits Congress gives themselves.

Thursday, September 20, 2007





Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Aaar, mateys, don't forget that the 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day, and with a will boys, all together with spirit, mateys, AAAAAARRRR!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007




在下後人由紺稟報天宮瑤池黃宗師Nothing’s changed.

Monday, September 17, 2007

overheard in Bitan


高中女生對著棲在鯨魚船上不動的蒼鷺叫: 飛!…飛!…喂,你很不給面子!

A high school girl being ignored by a heron perched on a docked boat: Fly! Fly! …. Hey, you’re not giving me any face!

On the riverbank at Bitan, Taipei

Sunday, September 16, 2007

前幾天看完Vanity Fair (英國 William Thackeray著,1846),同一日也看完儒林外史,這兩本書我很愛,各看了三四遍。

上次讀Vanity Fair是七十六年的事,剛好二十年前,臺灣顛峰初期。因而想,二十年後,臺灣將如何?






我不是說如果統一絕對沒有問題或growing pains,我也沒有說我的想法對,可是我說,臺灣不該一直逃避這個問題。




Saturday, September 15, 2007

The 臺灣蘭鵲 Taiwan magpie (scientific name, urocissa caerulea, Tayal name, sipekay) is a beautiful blue bird with an elegant long tail. Unfortunately, they are tasty and the long tail slows them down, so their numbers were declining before they got protected a dozen years back. Now there are more of them, but these birds are easier to hear than to see. They flit from tree to tree, are very sensitive, and don’t like to be seen. Their horrible squawk is in strong contrast to their beautiful appearance.

The weather was too glorious to do anything worthwhile, so the dogs and I went for a walk. A flock of about twenty sipekay was moving uphill. I stood in the middle of the road watching them. After a while, a motorcycle came by. On it were a boy and a girl, both about 20, obviously up from the city for a jaunt in the mountains. Seeing me standing in the middle of the road craning my neck looking uphill, they slowed down and looked at me curiously. I told them, “There’s a flock of blue magpies in that camphor tree. This is a good chance to see them.” They looked at me blankly, said, “Oh” and kept going.

What makes this even sadder is, if some singer or actress starred in a television special 蘭鵲之旅 A Visit to Blue Magpies, or something equally inane, the youngsters would be glued to their television sets.

Friday, September 14, 2007

+ Hey, that’s a spiffy hat. What kind is it?

= Bark.

+ …. Huh?

= Bark.

+ ……well, uh…. Woof woof! Arf arf! Now what the heck kind of hat is that?

l * * *

Tree bark hat made by 阿美Amis aborigines on the eastern coast of Taiwan. From Balahu.

構樹 broussonetia papyrifera (亦名楮樹。鹿愛吃此樹葉)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The 鶺鴒/wagtail is a small bird, about the size of a sparrow but with a longer tail. It has a yellow tummy and yellowish grey wings. Usually it stays around streams and wetlands.

This noon I looked out and saw a wagtail walking across my 玄關/front porch. Not hopping, mind you, but walking, strutting even. You don’t see many wagtails around my place, and this is very definitely the first one I had ever seen taking a stroll past my front door. My three alert guardians were snoozing and didn’t notice when it walked right by them. I thought about getting the camera, but was afraid the bird would disappear, so I slipped out the door to watch what it would do.

What it did was keep walking straight out from the porch and onto the path. There, probably due to the uneven rocks, it displayed more typical wagtail behavior, wagging its tail as it strode from rock to rock, as bold as a lord. The dogs ignored both of us. The wagtail hopped down the stairs. Just as I was wondering if it was going to open the gate and let itself out, it took to the air and quickly vanished into the bamboo.

Come again, little friend, you’re always welcome. Just let me get my camera next time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This post is for 字彙無敵 Unbeatable Vocabulary students:
Here are the answers to Vocabulary Lesson Eight ~ the Merica website just doesn't work very well.

= means synonym

X means antonym

aversion = disinclined X willing

bear = tolerate

bigotry = partial

blemish = spot

cliché = proverb

coin = mint

compassionate X relentless

echo = resound

entire X partial

entire = purely

flair X taper

hunch = slouch

impetus = stimulus

learn = study

peter out = taper X sprout

keep up the good work!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

a modern Samaritan

with all due humility, I have to admit that I am the very soul of consideration and enlightenment.

On the bus, I saw a boy, about high school age, wearing a white tee shirt with a single word on it:


I very kindly asked him if he knew what it meant, and upon receiving a negative answer, explained it to him.

What would life be without helpful strangers?

Monday, September 10, 2007

臺北車站看到一個很大的英文標語 UN for Taiwan,實在不知道講甚麼,看不太懂。當然知道是入聯的事,可是UN為甚麼沒有冠詞?話又說回來, The UN for Taiwan又是甚麼意思?好像是不完整的片語說,為臺灣的聯合國~~真不知道這是甚麼英文。






The UN for Taiwan可能是名詞片語吧:「給臺灣的聯合國」。語焉不詳。

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Tayal were originally headhunters; headhunting was a duty they owed their ancestors, and brought fertility to their fields. Traditional Tayal morals were very strict. A man who told a lie was expected to commit suicide (they didn’t have lawyers or candidates). Marriage was absolute: no fooling around, for men as well as for women.

Once I was sitting around with some Tayal, one of whom came from 宜蘭/Ilan, east over the mountains. He told me that one day ~~ I would guess this happened around 1930 or so ~~ his grandfather came home to find his grandmother in bed with another man. He immediately cut off both of their heads.

He was very proud of this. The other Tayal toasted and praised him. They were also proud of the moral standards of their tribe, even if standards are not quite so stringent any more.

old photo of Tayal (Atayal) man and wife

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I am reading Vanity Fair for, I believe, the fourth time. Thackeray vividly describes society in London in the early 19th century with cheerful cynicism.

Thackeray describes a trip to Germany: “Even to think of the Rhineland makes one happy. At this time of summer evening, the cows are trooping down the hills, lowing, with their bells tinkling, to the old town, with its old moats, and gates, and spires, and chestnut trees.”

Although I have never been to Europe, I think I know how to update this lyrical passage: “At this time of summer evening, the tourists are trooping down the hills, lowing, with their cell phones tinkling, chiming, and thumping, to the old town, with its old malls, and golden gates, and star bucks, and internet cafes.”

Friday, September 07, 2007

an interesting way to look at it

It is probably in President Bean’s best interests to collapse the Republic of China before his term ends next year and his immunity runs out, so he does not have to face prosecution for his crimes.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


語言表達法不同,中國話說「雨很大」,若直譯英文The rain is very big,不知所云。英語 It’s raining hard,它是下雨硬,這是中文嗎?

(注:「很」不等于very; very比較像「非常」。一般中文的「很」,于英文不譯便了。)

因為中國人都喜歡好彩頭,討個吉利,所以有成功高中、成功大學,大家都喜歡這類名號。幸當時教育部將成功大學譯音為Cheng Kung University。若譯Success University, 意味迥異,因為在英語文化,取Success University之類的名字,保證學店無疑。沒有為甚麼,文化、習慣不同而已。

但有時候特殊歷史背景讓大家感受不同。例如臺北有機店取名「棉花田」,華人會聯想棉紗、綿延、農村稻香等各種正面的想法。若直譯Cotton Fields,在美國人心中產生很多很恐怖的聯想,因為美國的經驗,知道種棉花摧殘土壤敗壞生態,而棉花田在美國從前是剝削黑奴殘酷不人道的地方,直到現在仍是剝削貧民、蹂躪黑人、囚犯、弱勢團體的地方。


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

前文提到語言不同所造成的問題。再如「公司」,眾所周知,英文是company,很簡單。可是用法不同。英文的company,汎指公司的全部人、財、器、屋、營業。中文可以說,「我們公司在路口那棟大樓的三樓,」但此句若講our company,意味整個公司在那棟的三樓,之外沒有其他據點。此例,若公司有其它營業場所,英文應講our office

因為中、英文相差太遠,所以縱使簡單的字,也有陷阱。例如「花」, flowers,應該夠簡單吧?種花,倘譯plant flowers,很容易出問題。其一、plant只是將植物種植下去,然後是grow。其二,在英文,只有開花才叫flowers;很多人陽台上種萬年青、馬拉巴栗、元寶樹之類的綠色植物,說是「種花」,可是在英文要說是plants,因為沒有花朵。

烏來商圈賣的紀念品寫「烏來往事」,加英文Wulai Story。第一,國字很美,加英文字,我覺得並沒有增加美的效果,尤其因為一般選擇的英文字型呆板、沒有美感。第二,華人寫英文,通常亂大寫;英文不是每一字要大寫,此例story可以小寫。但大問題在于第三:Wulai story在英文沒有甚麼意義。一個紀念品上寫Wulai story,一般英語native speaker不知所云,因為這是中文,不是英文。英文可以寫memories of Wulai (Sabiy的精簡翻譯)。但不可寫成 In Memory of XX,因為這個意思是,追念亡者!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Eminent good sense

Wulai mountains: steep.

Taiwan summers: murderous heat.

We’ve been having even more rain than usual in Wulai this year. Mornings may start, as today, yesterday, the day before, and so on, with the sun shining brightly, then presto, come noon you get lots of thunder and lightning, rain, rain, and more rain. Even though we are enjoying the beginning of ‘fall,’ and the humidity has dropped to 65%, the sun, when it is out, oppresses like molten lead. Nonetheless, hardy souls pedal their bicycles up to Wulai from the city.

Is it possible to ride an expensive bike wearing comfortable clothing? Apparently not; there seems to be an unwritten law that the more money you spend on your bicycle, the more gaudy and uncomfortable your outfit has to be. If you see someone pedaling along wearing nice, comfortable, loose cotton clothing in pastel colors, you can be sure their bike is only mediocre, or worse. People with custom built carbon frames are evidently required to deck themselves out in clothing so tight that it’s a wonder their blood can circulate, and in colors and patterns designed to sear the retinas of anyone within eyesight. As Frazz said, the amazing thing about the invention of the biking helmet is that no matter who wears one, no matter how you wear one, they always look dorky.

On the road from the city, packs of bikers toil along under the purgatorial sun, (which it must be admitted is preferable to the diluvial rain or the hellish lightning.) Thus the four I saw struggling uphill in the heat the other morning from Laga towards Tampya. But wait, what is this? Each rider had a styrofoam box jury-rigged to his back with the red plastic string ubiquitous in Taiwan: anybody in Wulai would recognize those boxes, these bicyclists were carrying boxes of the famous local popsicles. Popsicles and bicycles. Now there is a good combination! Hot? Tired? Why, just stop by the roadside and pluck a popsicle out of the cache on your back: stop and slurp.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


入聯公投惹美出惡言 謝長廷說要怪馬



我在台已三十多年;十大建設、台灣奇蹟,都親眼目讀過。七年來,換人做做看,沒看過實際建樹,反而經濟、外交、教育每下愈況,政府只有喊一些沒有用的口號。這兩三年,每次回國,美國人知道我住台灣,馬上反應:If Taiwan gets into any trouble, America is absolutely not going to do anything! If they’re so stupid, that’s their problem. If they make trouble, why should our soldiers die for them?以前在美國人眼中,台灣是勇敢抵抗毛澤東與蘇俄的小島,是經濟小強國;現在在美國講台灣,只想到以貪污,惹事生非的政權;美國在Iraq已經很頭痛,絕不會、絕沒有義務救台灣。




Saturday, September 01, 2007

Always to be right, always to trample forward, and never to doubt, are not those the great qualities with which dullness takes the lead in the world?”

William Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1848), Chapter 35